The Four Agreements Mitote

11. Oktober 2021 – 15:00

If you take things personally, you feel offended, and your reaction is to defend your beliefs and create conflict. You do something so small because you need to be right and do everyone wrong. You also try to be right by giving them your own opinion. In the same way, everything you feel and do is just a projection of your own personal dream, a reflection of your own chords. What you say, what you do and the opinions you have correspond to the agreements you have made – and those opinions have nothing to do with me. Don Miguel says it takes a lot of courage to free yourself from this tyranny. It takes courage to question our own beliefs, because we agree with them from an early age and the agreements have grown stronger over time. These four agreements will give us the tools we need to create a new healthy and positive dream. This book is a classic! No wonder he was loved by many, and now I am one of his lovers. I love how simple, deep and concise the teachings are.

Don Miguel Ruiz did his best to question every word. This is already the first and fourth collusion in action. Go to the conference. In this summary, we will discuss in detail each of the new agreements and then discuss how to dismantle the old agreements. Today, the Mexican word is occasionally used in phrases like „Qué mitote se traen esos gueyes de la fiesta!“. (What a bat caused these feasts!) Or „Hubo mitote en el ayuntamiento ayer“ (there was a scandal yesterday at the town hall assembly). As a language student, you probably won`t use this word often, but if you spend time with Mexicans, it`s helpful to understand it. And if you want to impress, drop the conversation the next time there`s a „voice cacophony“ in your head. This inability to see the truth is a nebula of perception that the Toltecs called Mitote. Mitote tarnishes our vision, so we can`t see who we really are. We cannot see that we are not free.

We create an image of who we should be to be sheared, loved and good enough. But this picture is not real. If we want a life full of joy, we must break those harmful agreements that promote suffering and failure. We need to adopt four new agreements to replace the old, harmful ones. Consciousness: Turning lucid dream the best dreams are often the ones we can control with our unlimited imagination. They are called lucid dreams. To have a lucid dream, you must realize that you are dreaming. In other words, be aware of all the species in which mitote affects you.

Since mitote is incredibly complicated, you have to become a master tracker to be aware of it. You track down your emotional and unconscious reactions. They follow the voice of the judge and the groans of the victim. You feel the voices of the dream and how they influenced you. If you become aware, the mitote can appear as an endless stream of useless chatter that speaks for itself. Try to turn it off at first and you will receive a lesson in humility. If you learn to observe it with neutrality, which is a critical step in solving the mitote, you realize that it often scams you by drawing your attention into the conversation. . . .

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